
"Grow up!"
The words came from a kid around 12 years old or so. He  was shorter than me, and he saw me and Joakim point at each other. He told me I was very immature, I act like a child but I'm 17 years old.
I told him to pull his trousers up, grow into them and then I left.
Why do the twelveyearsold have such a hurry to grow up?
When I was 12, I still played with lego, I still pretended I was godzilla who wanted to eat every innocent cow there was, and I still could have fun without thinking it was embarassing.
Ofcourse I too got these friends who wanted to grow up quickly. I didn't understand why. I mean, you are only a child one time, then you have the rest of your life to be a grown up.
I didn't se why it would be that awkward to stand next to me, if I was singing in the middle of nowhere, but apparantly that was something "you just don't do".
I couldn't care less.
If I wanted to do something, I practicly did. I had some friends who also could play with toys at age 12, but I was the last one of us who still could do that at age 14.
I still can.
Yes, I know I may be a bit childish, but that's the way I am.
If growing up means you stop having fun, then I'm NEVER going to grow up.

And something I never understood... How come you never are happy? First, you want to get older. But when you finaly have reach this age, you just want to get younger.


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