Love is in the air!

Since Friday, I was suspecting something. Something betwen my friend André, who I have known since I was five years old, and a girl named Julia, who I have known more than a year. They are both awesome people, and they almost never left each other all evening at Hannah's party.
I saw it.
They where in love both of them.
My suspections got confirmed this Monday, and since then I have walked around smiling every time I think about this weired thing called "love".
I met André yesterday. We both took a quick walk to the supermarket and back again, and I can swear, I have never ever seen him this happy!
The funny part about this, is that I got to know about this when I was sick. So, André said on msn, that he had asked Julia if she wanted to be his girlfriend, and that she had said yes. I sent him a "congratiolations", a smiley with a BIG smile and then I threw up. (I promise I didn't do that on purpose, and that wasn't the reason)
I think you two should take it as a sign.
I got to "taste the food I ate" twice, and you are two wonderful friends of mine. You should definitely be a couple!