
When I first sat down on my chair, which was just a couple of minutes ago, I thought that it was nice to hear the silence.
But then I realized, I don't hear the silence. I can hear the breeze in the bathroom, I can hear my computer thinking, I can hear the noise of the keyboard when I'm typing, I can hear the sound of me breathing, and I can even hear the clock ticking next to me.
Outside a car drives by. I don't see it, I just hear it. One floor up someone is walking. I can't see that either, but I sure can hear it.
The noise of a crack is behind me.
Is there anyone there?
I suddanly turn around to see what's behind me.
There is nothing there.
It was probably just my chair when I moved a little.
The sound of the wind when I turned around, and the sound of the scratch when I pull my hair into a ponytail makes me understand.
There isn't such a thing as silence. Slience dosn't exist.
There is allways some small sound somewhere.
You just have to listen to hear it.

In spite of the fact I often get annoyed of the sound the bus makes when it opens the door, or the noise when someone wakes you up in the middle of the night by snoring next to you, I'm thankful I can hear this.
I couldn't live without music, and music couldn't live without noise.


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